

  1. välinpitämätön

  2. yhdentekevä

  3. yhteys|kemia|mekaniikka|k=en indifferentti



välinpitämätön, piittaamaton, kuuro, kohtuullinen, keskinkertainen, tavallinen, miten kuten, välttävä, niin ja näin.

Liittyvät sanat: indifferentti.

Rimmaavat sanat

indifferent rimmaa näiden kanssa:

management, understatement, establishment, vol-au-vent...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

indifferent (englanti > suomi)

  1. välinpitämätön

  2. keskinkertainen, mitäänsanomaton, yhdentekevä

  3. puolueeton

  4. mitätön, merkityksetön, vähäinen

  5. indifferentti

indifferent englanniksi

  1. Not caring or concerned; uninterested, apathetic.

  2. He was indifferent to the proposal, since it didnt affect him, either way.''

  3. mediocre Mediocre, usually used negatively in modern usage.

  4. The long distance and the indifferent roads made the journey impossible.

    The performance of Blue Jays has been indifferent this season.

  5. Sir Walter Scott

  6. The staterooms are in indifferent order.
  7. Having no preference or bias, being impartial.

  8. ''I am indifferent between the two plans.

  9. Addison

  10. indifferent in his choice to sleep or die
  11. Not making a difference; without significance or importance.

  12. Even if one appliance consumes an indifferent amount of energy when left on stand-by overnight, together they can represent 10% of the electricity demand of a household.

  13. Shakespeare

  14. Dangers are to me indifferent.
  15. Jeremy Taylor

  16. Everything in the world is indifferent but sin.
  17. Nathaniel Hawthorne

  18. His slightest and most indifferent acts (..) were odious in the clergyman's sight.
  19. puhekieltä Being in the state of neutral equilibrium.

  20. puhekieltä To some extent, in some degree (intermediate between very and not at all); moderately, tolerably, fairly.

  21. The face of the Moon appearing to me to be full of indifferent high mountains...

  22. (l); apathetic
