

  1. nolaus, nöyryytys



arvonalennus, nöyryytys, nöyryyttäminen, tapaus, häpeä, hämmennys, kiusaantuminen, nolous, nolostuminen, kiusaantuneisuus, harmi, mielipaha, kunniattomuus.

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Englannin sanakirja

humiliation englanniksi

  1. The act of humiliate humiliating or humbleVerb humbling someone; abasement of pride; mortification.

  2. (quote-magazine)

  3. The state of being humiliated, humbled or reduced to lowliness or submission.

  4. (quote-book)|title=How to Win Friends and Influence People|page=264|chapter=Part 6, Chapter 1. HOW TO DIG YOUR MARITAL GRAVE IN THE QUICKEST POSSIBLE WAY.

  5.     One morning Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln were having breakfast when Lincoln did something that aroused the fiery temper of his wife. What, no one remembers now. But Mrs. Lincoln, in a rage, dashed a cup of hot coffee into her husband's face. And she did it in front of the other boarders.
        Saying nothing, Lincoln sat there in humiliation and silence while Mrs. Early came with a wet towel and wiped off his face and clothes.
  6. A English humiliation, active or passive
