

[[tiedosto:tolva_de_inyeccion_de_extrusion_de_polimeros.jpg|thumb|[3]: syöttölokero]]
  1. bunkkeri

  2. suppilo

  3. syöttölokero



isku, lyönti, iskeminen, maapallo, chop, chopper, matala lyönti, suorasiipinen hyönteinen, suorasiipinen, heinäsirkka.

Rimmaavat sanat

hopper rimmaa näiden kanssa:

per, vesper...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

hopper englanniksi

  1. A temporary storage bin, filled from the top and emptied from the bottom, often funnel-shaped.

  2. A funnel-shaped section at the top of a drainpipe used to collect water, from above, from one or more smaller drainpipes.

  3. One who hops.

  4. Various insects

  5. A grasshopper or locust, especially:

  6. The immature form of a locust.

  7. The larva of a cheese fly.

  8. A leafhopper.

  9. An artificial fishing lure.

  10. To catch a big fish, use a hopper that jumps across the pond surface.

  11. puhekieltä A toilet.

  12. 2010, Robert Hudson, Stories of an Unusual Life (page 250)

  13. The fresh-water container for the house was above the ceiling directly over the toilet. One day, I was comfortably seated on the hopper minding my own business, when a large portion of the ceiling came crashing down (..)
  14. An escapement lever in a piano

  15. A Sri Lankan food made from a fermented batter of rice flour, coconut milk, and palm toddy or yeast.

  16. puhekieltä The game of hopscotch.

  17. (rfquotek)

  18. A window with hinges at the bottom, opened by tilting vertically.

  19. (plural indefinite of)

  20. (present tense of)

  21. (inflection of)
