

  1. savukanava

  2. suppilo



höyryveturin savupiippu, laivan savupiippu, savukanava, suppilo, tratti, savupiippu, savutorvi, tarve-esine, työkalu, tarvike, työväline, tarvekalu, väline.

Rimmaavat sanat

funnel rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kannel, jouhikannel, tuulikannel, virsikannel, kennel...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

funnel (englanti > suomi)

  1. suppilo, tratti

funnel englanniksi

  1. A utensil of the shape of an inverted hollow cone, terminating below in a pipe, and used for conveying liquids etc. into a close vessel; a tunnel.

  2. A passage or avenue for a fluid or flowing substance; specifically, a smoke flue or pipe; the chimney of a steamship or the like.

  3. To use a funnel.

  4. To proceed through a narrow gap or passageway akin to a funnel; to narrow or condense.

  5. Expect delays where the traffic funnels down to one lane.

  6. 2014, (w), Blessed. Cursed. Claimed., National Geographic (December 2014)

  7. A line of clocks in our cheap hotel displays the time in Lagos, Bucharest, Kiev: the capitals of pilgrims who come to kneel at the birthplace of Christ. In reality the entire world funnels through the Church of the Nativity.
  8. puhekieltä To direct (money or resources).

  9. Our taxes are being funnelled into pointless government initiatives.

  10. To consume (beer, etc.) rapidly through a funnel, typically as a stunt at a party.

  11. 2013, Jonathan Caren, The Recommendation (page 31)

  12. The first time he did it was to this freshman Kevin Ryers and we all just burst out laughing, watching Kevin try to funnel a beer.
