

  1. Heinäkasvin kukan suojuslehti



kahva, varsi, kädensija, ripa, sanka, korva, otin.


  1. helvetin: (korostussana) erittäin / tms

  2. helvetin hyvä: erinomainen

  3. helvetin kuustoista: (voimasana)


Rimmaavat sanat

helve rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

helve englanniksi

  1. The handle or haft of a tool or weapon.

  2. 1917, (w), The Ax-helve:

  3. It was the bad ax-helve someone had sold me— / “Made on machine,” he said, plowing the grain ....
  4. 1974, Guy Davenport, Tatlin!:

  5. The eyelet in the rose pilleum of his glans welled a clear bead that silled under the corona, wound the veinclomb helve, and ran a snailtrack down the thrum and ridge of the underduct.
  6. 1982, (w), Constance, Faber & Faber 2004 (Avignon Quintet), p. 847:

  7. Happily they were only sketchily armed, the group-leaders carried pistols and pick-helves.
  8. A forge hammer lifted by a cam acting on the helve between the fulcrum and the head.

  9. puhekieltä To furnish (an axe, etc.) with a helve.

  10. puhekieltä A lodicule.

  11. (inflection of)
