

  1. hittolainen

Liittyvät sanat: hell

Rimmaavat sanat

heck rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

heck (englanti > suomi)

  1. hitto

heck englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä Hell.

  2. What the heck are you doing?

    You can go to heck as far as Im concerned.''

  3. The bolt or latch of a door.

  4. A rack for cattle to feed at.

  5. A door, especially one partly of latticework.

  6. (rfquotek)

  7. A latticework contrivance for catching fish.

  8. puhekieltä An apparatus for separating the threads of warps into sets, as they are wound upon the reel from the bobbins, in a warping machine.

  9. A bend or winding of a stream.

  10. (de-verb form of)

  11. puhekieltä (de-verb form of)
