

  1. jauhaa (myllyssä)

  2. työstää (metallia); hioa

  3. yhteys|puhekieltä|pokeri|tietokonepelit|k=en grindata

  4. liukua skeitti- tai lumilaudalla estettä, esim. kaidetta pitkin



puristaminen, musertaminen, tiivistäminen, murskaus, puristus, hienontaminen, jauhaminen, hienontaa, jauhaa, murskata, muhentaa, musertaa, soseuttaa, survoa, jakaa pieniin osiin, muusata, jauhaa massaksi, särkyä, hajota, sirpaloitua, pirstoutua, hajota palasiksi, rikkoutua.

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grind rimmaa näiden kanssa:

big band, chateaubriand, dixieland, polterabend, jugend, boyfriend, underground...

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Englannin sanakirja

grind (englanti > suomi)

  1. jauhaa

  2. keinuttaa, hetkuttaa

  3. hioa

  4. grindata

  5. jauhatus, karkeus

grind englanniksi

  1. To reduce to smaller pieces by crushing with lateral motion.

  2. To shape with the force of friction.

  3. grind a lens

    grind an axe

  4. puhekieltä To remove material by rubbing with an abrasive surface.

  5. To become ground, pulverized, or polished by friction.

  6. This corn grinds well.

    Steel grinds to a sharp edge.

  7. To move with much difficulty or friction; to grate.

  8. puhekieltä To slide the flat portion of a skateboard or snowboard across an obstacle such as a railing.

  9. To oppress, hold down or weaken.

  10. puhekieltä To rotate the hips erotically.

  11. puhekieltä To dance in a sexually suggestive way with both partners in very close proximity, often pressed against each other.

  12. puhekieltä To repeat a task a great multitude of times in a row to achieve a specific goal.

  13. To produce mechanically and repetitively as if by turning a crank.

  14. To instill through repetitive teaching.

  15. Grinding lessons into students heads does not motivate them to learn.''

  16. puhekieltä To eat.

  17. Eh, brah, lets go grind.''

  18. puhekieltä To work or study hard; to hustle or drudge.

  19. (rfquotek)

  20. The act of reducing to powder, or of sharpening, by friction.

  21. Something that has been reduced to powder, something that has been ground.

  22. A specific degree of pulverization of coffee beans.

  23. This bag contains espresso grind.

  24. A tedious task.

  25. This homework is a grind.

  26. A grinding trick on a skateboard or snowboard.

  27. puhekieltä One who studies hard; a swot.

  28. 1911, Sunset (volume 27, page 440)

  29. (..) I suppose I don't know much about books, compared with you—”
    “Oh, I was never much of a grind,” the other cut in hastily.
  30. (l) (gloss)

  31. The traditional communal pilot whale hunt in the Faroe Islands.

  32. to brawl, to fight, to wrangle over

  33. puhekieltä The materials gravel, shingle

  34. puhekieltä The diseases scabies (human), mange (canine)

  35. A framework

  36. A grille

  37. A school of grindahvalur (pilot whales)

  38. The tvøst (meat) and spik (blubber) of the pilot whales

  39. The act of pilot whaling, grindadráp

  40. puhekieltä An unexpected meal

  41. lattice, grid, grille

  42. framework

  43. puhekieltä lattice

  44. pilot whale

  45. A hinged gate across road or path where it is intersected by a fence.

  46. A gate; door-like structure outside a building

  47. puhekieltä A gate, logical pathway
