


heikko puoli, osa, erikoisuus, erikoisluonne, erityispiirre, erikoinen ominaisuus, ominaispiirre, heikko kohta, maneeri.

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Englannin sanakirja

foible (englanti > suomi)

  1. heikko, heikko kohta

foible englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä weak Weak; feeble.

  2. (rfquotek)

  3. A quirk, idiosyncrasy, or mannerism; unusual habit or way (usage is typically plural), that is slightly strange or silly.

  4. Try to look past his foibles and see the friendly fellow underneath.

  5. 1915, s:Of Human Bondage|Of Human Bondage, by W.S.Maugham, s:Of Human Bondage/Chapter XLV|chapter XLV

  6. They made up for the respect with which unconsciously they treated him by laughing at his foibles and lamenting his vices.
  7. 1959, Meriden Record, " An ounce of prevention", July 24 issue

  8. Final fillip in the Vice-President's study has been a bone up|boning up on Premier Khrushchev's favorite foible, proverbs. The bibulous Russian leader likes to throw out homely homily homilies in his speeches and conversations..
  9. A weakness or failing of character.

  10. 1932, s:The Mistakes of Jesus|The Mistakes of Jesus, by William Floyd

  11. Jesus is reverenced as the one man who has lived unspotted by the world, free from human foibles, able to redeem mankind by his example.
  12. puhekieltä Part of a sword between the middle and the point, weaker than the forte.

  13. feeble; weak

  14. (alternative form of)
