


-purkaus, -päästö, eksudaatti, tulehdusneste, pihka, maitiaisneste, tihkua, kohota, pursua, erittää, tiputtaa, ulostaa, poistaa.

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exudate rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

exudate englanniksi

  1. A fluid that has exuded from somewhere; especially one that has exuded from a pore of an animal or plant.

  2. 1861 Stephen Jennings Goodfellow - Lectures on the Diseases of the Kidney, Generally Known as Brights Disease, and Dropsy

  3. The whitish lines of exudate seem at times to penetrate even between the straight tubes . . .
  4. 2005 Selma Tibi - The Medicinal Use of Opium in Ninth-century Baghdad

  5. When this is done, one should leave the poppy for some time, then return to it and gather any further exudate.
  6. puhekieltä To exude.

  7. (rfquotek)
