

  1. evakuoida

  2. tyhjentää

  3. tehdä tyhjiöksi



tyhjentää, muuttaa, evakuoida, siirtää.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

evacuate (englanti > suomi)

  1. tyhjentää

evacuate englanniksi

  1. To leave or withdraw from; to quit; to retire from; as, soldiers from a country, city, or fortress.

  2. The firefighters told us to evacuate the area as the flames approached.

  3. Burke

  4. The Norwegians were forced to evacuate the country.
  5. To cause to leave or withdraw from.

  6. The firefighters decided to evacuate all the inhabitants from the street.

  7. To make empty; to empty out; to remove the contents of, including to create a vacuum.

  8. The scientist evacuated the chamber before filling it with nitrogen.

  9. puhekieltä To make empty; to deprive.

  10. Coleridge

  11. Evacuate the Scriptures of their most important meaning.
  12. To remove; to eject; to void; to discharge, as the contents of a vessel, or of the bowels.

  13. To make void; to nullify; to vacate.

  14. to evacuate a contract or marriage


  15. (inflection of)

  16. (feminine plural of)
