

  1. maanläheinen


earthy sense of humor



siveetön, säädytön, karkea, moukkamainen, raaka, rahvaanomainen, alatyylinen, estoton, runsas, vahva, luonnollinen, aito.

Rimmaavat sanat

earthy rimmaa näiden kanssa:

vichy, syyhy, möyhy, röyhy, jäähy...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

earthy englanniksi

  1. resemble Resembling dirt or soil (i.e. earth).

  2. The earthy smell of fresh turned loam told me the farmer had started plowing this morning, the definitive sign of spring for me.

  3. down to earth|Down to earth, not artificial, natural.

  4. She was an earthy soul, the salt of the earth as they say of such rural folk, untarnished by false civilization.

  5. Like or resembling the earth or of the earth.

  6. Covered with earth (mud, dirt).

  7. 1922, (w), (w)

  8. He was wet through with the dew and quite earthy from diving into the burrows the Boy had made for him in the flower bed, and Nana grumbled as she rubbed him off with a corner of her apron.
