

  1. korpus

  2. kokoelma


a corpus of the Roman pottery



runko, kokoelma, kokouma, kasauma, assemblaasi, yhdistelmä, täydellinen kokoelma, korpus, osa, pala, omaisuus, pääoma, varallisuus.

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Englannin sanakirja

corpus (englanti > suomi)

  1. korpus

corpus englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A collection of writings, often on a specific topic, of a specific genre, from a specific demographic or a particular author, etc.

  2. (quote-book)|year=2007|page=60|isbn=978-90-272-2238-1|passage=Text corpora are being used in most current lexicographic projects. Applied linguistic research is another field where text corpora are welcome as an inexhaustible source of empirical information, a polygon for testing various linguistic tools – spell-checkers, OCRs, machine translation systems, NLP systems, etc.

  3. (quote-book)

  4. (quote-book)|year=2013|page=1|isbn=978-0-582-05639-8|passage=The Lancaster/IBM Spoken English Corpus began in September 1984 as part of a research project into the automatic assignment of intonation (..) The original design of the corpus was determined by the need to provide data for research into speech synthesis. As a result, unlike most other corpora currently being used in the computational linguistics field, the SEC exists in several forms. (..) However, whatever the original motivation for compiling a corpus, it quickly becomes an object of interest in its own right. New users find it valuable for applications for which it was not designed.

  5. puhekieltä A body, a collection.

  6. (quote-book)|year=1998|page=221|isbn=978-3-05-003294-4|passage=About a hundred years ago in Germany, the publishing of corpuses of the ancient Greek coinages was started. (..) The significance of those, and some other corpuses is exclusive, because they allowed an enormous amount of numismatic material kept in museum and private collections all over the world, to be studied and systematized.

  7. (quote-book) secondly, a corpus of the Roman pottery to present the type series and to discuss the fabrics and forms recovered, (..)

  8. puhekieltä (synonym of)

  9. 1833, w:George Crabb (writer)|George Crabb, “ Printing”, in Universal Technological Dictionary, or Familiar Explanation of the Terms Used in All Arts and Sciences, Containing Definitions Drawn from the Original Writers, and Illustrated by Plates, Epigrams, Cuts, &c., volume II, enlarged edition, London: Printed for Baldwin and Cradock, w:Paternoster Row|Paternoster-Row, and for the new proprietor, J. Dowding, 82, w:Newgate Newgate-Street, (w) 65260870:

  10. brevier Brevier had its name from being first used in the printing of the breviary; and the German Corpus, in English Long Primer, probably from its use in printing their Corpus Juris.
  11. 1843, “Type-founding”, in w:Penny Cyclopaedia|The Penny Cyclopædia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, volume XXV (Titles of Honour – Ungula), London: w:Charles Knight (publisher)|Charles Knight and Co., 22, w:Ludgate Hill|Ludgate Street, (w) 2041456, page 455:

  12. Long Primer. This neat type, which is much used for printing works in duodecimo, is called Petit Romain in France, and Corpus in Germany; the latter name being probably derived from its use in printing the 'Corpus Juris:' 89 m's of Long Primer go to a foot.
  13. a collection of writings, a text corpus
