


murhe, suru, kaipaus, murheellisuus, omantunnon pistos, tunnonvaiva, itsesyytös, huono omatunto, katumus, syyllisyys, syyllinen omatunto, syyllisyydentunteet, syyllisyydentunne, tunnontuska.

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Englannin sanakirja

compunction (englanti > suomi)

  1. huono omatunto

compunction englanniksi

  1. A pricking of conscience or a feeling of regret, especially one which is slight or fleeting.

  2. (RQ:Dickens Little Dorrit):

  3. He would have had no compunction whatever in flinging him out of the highest window in Venice into the deepest water of the city.
  4. 1897, w:Bram Stoker|Bram Stoker, Dracula, ch. 3:

  5. I felt no compunction in doing so, for under the circumstances I felt that I should protect myself in every way I could.
  6. 1920, w:D. H. Lawrence|D. H. Lawrence, Women in Love, ch. 8:

  7. But he felt, later, a little compunction. He had been violent, cruel with poor Hermione. He wanted to recompense her, to make it up.
  8. 2003 February 16, Blaine Greteman, ",9171,423486,00.html No Peace Dividend," Time:

  9. As for average U.S. consumers, they've shown little compunction about buying diamonds that fund bloody militias in Africa.
