

  1. arkku, kirstu

  2. (chest of drawers) lipasto, piironki

  3. yhteys|anatomia|k=en rinta, rintakehä

Liittyvät sanat: chestfeeder



liiton arkki, liitonarkku, aski, laatikko, rasia, lipas, panoslipas, seetriarkku, seetrilipasto, arkku, kirstu, lipasto, piironki, kirjoituspöytä, kirjoituslipasto, työpöytä, huonekalut, huonekalu.

Rimmaavat sanat

chest rimmaa näiden kanssa:

bed and breakfast, poltergeist, twist, kuminauhatwist, glasnost, just, must...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

chest (englanti > suomi)

  1. arkku, kirstu

  2. kassakirstu, kassa, kirstu

  3. lipasto

  4. rintakehä, rinta

  5. rinta

chest englanniksi

  1. A box, now usually a large strong box with a secure convex lid.

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:RJfrs AmtrPqr)

  4. But then I had the massive flintlock by me for protection. ¶(..)The linen-press and a chest on the top of it formed, however, a very good gun-carriage; and, thus mounted, aim could be taken out of the window at the old mare feeding in the meadow below by the brook, and a 'bead' could be drawn upon Molly, the dairymaid, kissing the fogger behind the hedge,(nb..).
  5. puhekieltä A coffin.

  6. The place in which public money is kept; a treasury.

  7. A chest of drawers.

  8. (senseid)puhekieltä The portion of the front of the human body from the base of the neck to the top of the abdomen; the thorax. Also the analogous area in other animals.

  9. A hit or blow made with one's chest.

  10. To hit with one's chest (front of one's body)

  11. {{quote-journal

  12. puhekieltä To deposit in a chest.

  13. puhekieltä To place in a coffin.

  14. Bible, Genesis 1. 26

  15. He dieth and is chested.
  16. debate Debate; quarrel; strife; enmity.

  17. this

  18. puhekieltä these

  19. quarrelling, disputation

  20. c. 1385, (w), Piers Plowman, II:

  21. And þe Erldome of enuye · and wratthe togideres / With þe chastelet of chest · and chateryng oute of resoun.
  22. (alternative form of)

  23. (aspirate mutation of)
