

  1. riita

  2. kiista

  3. nuoli jousen

  4. taltta

  5. pieni vinoneliön muotoinen ikkunaruutu

Liittyvät sanat: quarrelsome



nuoli, tylppä nuoli, kiista, riita, erimielisyys, konflikti, mielipide-ero, kina, tora, sananvaihto, yhteenotto, tappelu, kiistely, sanasota, rähinä, melu, meteli, rähäkkä, rytäkkä, nahistelu, kinastelu, riitely, nahina, riidanpoikanen, hämminki, hässäkkä, kahina.

Rimmaavat sanat

quarrel rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

quarrel (englanti > suomi)

  1. riita, kiista, kina

  2. riidellä

  3. vasama

quarrel englanniksi

  1. A verbal dispute or heated argument.

  2. We got into a silly quarrel about what food to order.

  3. Quarrels would not last long if the fault were only on one side. q:François de La Rochefoucauld|François de La Rochefoucauld

  4. A ground of dispute or objection; a complaint.

  5. A few customers in the shop had some quarrels with us, so we called for the manager.

  6. Herodias had a quarrel against him, and would have killed him. - Bible, Mark vi. 19

  7. You mistake, sir. I am sure no man hath any quarrel to me. - Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, Act 3, scene 4

  8. puhekieltä earnest desire or longing.

  9. (rfquotek)

  10. puhekieltä To disagree.

  11. puhekieltä To contend, argue fiercely, squabble.

  12. Sir W. Temple

  13. Beasts called sociable quarrel in hunger and lust.
  14. puhekieltä To find fault; to cavil.

  15. to quarrel with ones lot''

  16. Roscommon

  17. I will not quarrel with a slight mistake.
  18. puhekieltä To argue or squabble with.

  19. Ben Jonson

  20. I had quarrelled my brother purposely.
  21. A diamond-shaped piece of coloured glass forming part of a stained glass window.

  22. A square tile; quarry tile.

  23. A square-headed arrow for a crossbow.

  24. 1600, (w), The (w) of (w), Book VII, ciii:

  25. Twanged the string, out flew the quarrel long, / And through the subtle air did singing pass.
  26. Sir (w) (c.1350)

  27. to shoot with arrows and quarrel
  28. Sir (w) (1771-1832)

  29. two arblasts,(..)with windlaces and quarrels
  30. 1829, (w), http://archive.org/stream/olioormuseumofen03londuoft/olioormuseumofen03londuoft_djvu.txt The Olio or Museum of Entertainment, Vol.III, p.174

  31. The small cross-bow, called the arbalet or arbalest, is said to have been invented by the Sicilians. It was carried by the foot-soldiers, and when used was charged with a quarrel or bar-bolt, that is, a small arrow with a flat head, one of which occasioned the death of Harold at the battle of Hastings,(nb..).
  32. 2000. (w), (w), p.379

  33. Satin scooped up his crossbow and sent a few quarrels after them as they ran, to see them off the faster.
  34. A small opening in window tracery, of which the cusps etc. make the form nearly square.

  35. A four-sided cutting tool or chisel with a diamond-shaped end.
