

  1. massiivinen

  2. yhteys|fysiikka|k=en massallinen


massive particle – massallinen hiukkanen



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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

massive englanniksi

  1. Of or pertaining to a large mass; weighty, heavy, or bulky.

  2. (ux)

  3. (quote-book)|title=(w)|chapter=1

  4. Much larger than normal.

  5. {{quote-magazine|date=2013-06-21|author= Chico Harlan

  6. Of great significance or import; overwhelming.

  7. (quote-magazine)

  8. puhekieltä Not exhibiting crystal form.

  9. Of particularly exceptional quality or value; awesome.

  10. {{quote-newsgroup|date=November 29 1995|author=harry knowles|newsgroup=rec.arts.sf.movies

  11. {{quote-newsgroup|date=February 13 1998|author=David Farrar|newsgroup=Re: Te Papa

  12. {{quote-newsgroup|date=July 2 1998|author=super disco dan|

  13. {{quote-newsgroup|date=June 11 2003|author=Glenn Wendyhouse|newsgroup=uk.people.gothic

  14. {{quote-newsgroup|date=July 30 2010|author=Robbie|

  15. puhekieltä To a very great extent; total, utter.

  16. 2007, Christine Conrad, Mademoiselle Benoir (page 171)

  17. Notwithstanding Catherine's assurances, I was apprehensive about meeting Denys, worried that I would come off as a massive idiot (..)
  18. puhekieltä (of a particle) Possessing mass.

  19. puhekieltä A homogeneous mass of rock, not layered and without an obvious crystal structure.

  20. karst massives in western Georgia

  21. puhekieltä A group of people from a locality, or sharing a collective aim, interest, etc.

  22. Big up to the Croydon massive!

  23. (feminine singular of)

  24. (de-inflected form of)

  25. (feminine plural of)

  26. (form of)

  27. (monikko) massiv|lang=nb

  28. (monikko) massiv|lang=nn
