care for


care for

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Englannin sanakirja

care for englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To attend to the needs of, especially in the manner of a nurse or personal aide.

  2. I cared for my ailing mother for five years.

  3. puhekieltä To like or appreciate; to consider to be appealing, tasteful, or suitable.

  4. 1719, w:Jonathan Swift|Jonathan Swift, "To Dr. Sheridan" (14 Dec.), in The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Vol. 2 (ed. W. E. Browning):

  5. Mrs. Dingley and Mrs. Johnson say, truly they don't care for your wife's company, though they like your wine.
  6. 1919, w:Virginia Woolf|Virginia Woolf, Night and Day, ch. 5:

  7. "Do you really care for this kind of thing?" he asked at length.
  8. 2006, Unmesh Kher, ",9171,1184070-2,00.html Whale On the Plate," Time, 17 April:

  9. Still, while most Japanese may not care for the meat, many object to calls to stop whaling.
