

  1. paise


Boils commonly occur on the buttocks, face, neck, armpits and groin.

Liittyvät sanat: simmer



lämpötila, kiehumispiste, kiehuminen, muuttua, muuttaa, keittää liikaa, kiehua hiljaa, poreilla, hautua, kiehuttaa, keittää.

Liittyvät sanat: boileri.

Rimmaavat sanat

boil rimmaa näiden kanssa:

cocktail, alkucocktail...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

boil (englanti > suomi)

  1. paise

  2. kiehuttaa

  3. keittää

boil englanniksi

  1. A localized accumulation of pus in the skin, resulting from infection.

  2. The point at which fluid begins to change to a vapour.

  3. Add the noodles when the water comes to the boil.

  4. A dish of boiled food, especially based on seafood.

  5. puhekieltä The collective noun for a group of hawks.

  6. puhekieltä To heat (a liquid) to the point where it begins to turn into a gas.

  7. Boil some water in a pan.

  8. puhekieltä To cook in boiling water.

  9. Boil the eggs for two minutes.

    Is the rice boiling yet?

  10. puhekieltä Of a liquid, to begin to turn into a gas, seethe.

  11. Pure water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

  12. puhekieltä Said of weather being uncomfortably hot.

  13. It’s boiling outside!

  14. puhekieltä To feel uncomfortably hot. See also seethe.

  15. I’m boiling in here – could you open the window?

  16. To form, or separate, by boiling or evaporation.

  17. to boil sugar or salt

  18. puhekieltä To steep or soak in warm water.

  19. Francis Bacon

  20. To try whether seeds be old or new, the sense cannot inform; but if you boil them in water, the new seeds will sprout sooner.
  21. To be agitated like boiling water; to bubble; to effervesce.

  22. the boiling waves of the sea

  23. Bible, Job xii. 31

  24. He maketh the deep to boil like a pot.
  25. To be moved or excited with passion; to be hot or fervid.

  26. His blood boils with anger.

  27. Surrey

  28. Then boiled my breast with flame and burning wrath.
