

  1. lumivyöry



tapahtuma, sattuma, tapaus, luonnontapahtuma, ryöppy, vyöry, liukurata, -vyöry, lumivyöry, maanvyöry, lahar-vyöry, lahari, vulkaaninen mutavyöry, vyöryä, laskeutua, laskea, alentua.

Rimmaavat sanat

avalanche rimmaa näiden kanssa:

crème fraîche, quiche...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

avalanche (englanti > suomi)

  1. lumivyöry

  2. maanvyöry

  3. vyöry

  4. vyöryä

avalanche englanniksi

  1. A large mass or body of snow and ice sliding swiftly down a mountain side, or falling down a precipice.

  2. A fall of earth, rocks, etc., similar to that of an avalanche of snow or ice.

  3. A sudden, great, or irresistible descent or influx of anything.

  4. Anything like an avalanche in suddenness and overwhelming quantity (like a barrage, blitz, etc).

  5. puhekieltä To descend like an avalanche.

  6. 1872, (w), (w), Chapter 4,http://www.gutenberg.org/files/3177/3177-h/3177-h.htm

  7. Whenever the stage stopped to change horses, we would wake up, and try to recollect where we were (..) We began to get into country, now, threaded here and there with little streams. These had high, steep banks on each side, and every time we flew down one bank and scrambled up the other, our party inside got mixed somewhat. First we would all be down in a pile at the forward end of the stage, nearly in a sitting posture, and in a second we would shoot to the other end, and stand on our heads. (..) ¶ Every time we avalanched from one end of the stage to the other, the Unabridged Dictionary would come too; and every time it came it damaged somebody.
  8. 1916, (w), “w:Birches (poem)|Birches,” lines 10-11,http://www.bartleby.com/119/11.html

  9. Soon the sun’s warmth makes them shed crystal shells
    Shattering and avalanching on the snow-crust—
  10. 1959, w:Mike Banks (mountaineer)|Mike Banks, Rakaposhi, New York: Barnes, 1960, Chapter 7, p. 95,https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/003953328

  11. As it happened, I had progressed only some few feet out onto the snow when a clean-cut section stripped off the surface and avalanched.
  12. puhekieltä To come down upon; to overwhelm.

  13. 1961, William Alexander Deans, Muffled Drumbeats in the Congo, Chapter 9, p. 95,https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/007372142

  14. The applications were doubtless snowed under in the maze of official correspondence which avalanched the new government.

    The shelf broke and the boxes avalanched the workers.

  15. puhekieltä To propel downward like an avalanche.

  16. 1899, (w), Dismal England, London: Walter Scott, “Signals,” p. 147,https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/006070118

  17. When our artist and I were dropped down our first coal-mine, we felt a leetle bit anxious. It was something new. But we have been avalanched down the incline from Peak Forest, and boomeranged round the sudden curve at Rowsley, and have run the gauntlet at Penistone and King’s Cross without ever taking the precaution to say “God help us.”
  18. 1912, (w), w:A Son of the Sun (novel)|A Sun of the Son, Chapter Eight, IV,http://www.gutenberg.org/files/21971/21971-h/21971-h.htm

  19. The scuppers could not carry off the burden of water on the schooner’s deck. She rolled it out and took it in over one rail and the other; and at times, nose thrown skyward, sitting down on her heel, she avalanched it aft.
  20. 1930, (w), The Shadow of Larose, Chapter 11,http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks11/1100711.txt

  21. Then another misfortune avalanched itself upon me, before even I had fully taken in the extent of the first.
  22. 1946, (w), (w), London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, “Blood at Midnight,”

  23. Swelter, following at high speed, had caught his toe at the raised lip of the opening, and unable to check his momentum, had avalanched himself into warm water.
  24. avalancheEnglish avalanche

  25. (l) (gloss)

  26. puhekieltä (gloss)
