

  1. (intransitiivinen) suoda itselleen, langeta houkutukseen, sortua, heittäytyä, tyydyttää halunsa

  2. (transitiivinen) hemmotella

  3. suoda myönnytys; myöntää lisää maksuaikaa

  4. osoittaa armeliaisuutta, armahtaa


He looked at the bottle but didnt indulge.

He gave way to the temptation and indulged in drinking.

Do not indulge the children with sweets.

I do sometimes indulge myself with new clothes.

Liittyvät sanat: indulgent



ilahduttaa, olla mieliksi, miellyttää, ruokkia tarpeita, antaa periksi, langeta, sortua, irrotella, järjestää, hankkia, tyrkyttää, antaa, omistautua, viettää villiä nuoruutta, heittäytyä.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

indulge (englanti > suomi)

  1. langeta, sortua

  2. hemmotella

  3. maksuaika|alt=antaa maksuaikaa

indulge englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä: To yield to a temptation or desire.

  2. He looked at the chocolate but didnt indulge.''

    I indulged in drinking on the weekend.

  3. puhekieltä To satisfy the wishes or whims of.

  4. Grandma indulges the kids with sweets.

    I love to indulge myself with beautiful clothes.

  5. Atterbury

  6. Hope in another life implies that we indulge ourselves in the gratifications of this very sparingly.
  7. (quote-journal) (London)|date=23 February 2016|passage=It’s the kind of scenario Peter Sellers might have dreamt up while brushing his teeth, and some of the comic set-pieces – including Nobby’s seduction of a fabulously overweight maid (Gabourey Sidibe) at a luxurious South African hotel – allow Baron Cohen to indulge his Sellersian fantasies to a previously unprecedented degree.

  8. To give way to (a habit or temptation); not to oppose or restrain.

  9. to indulge sloth, pride, selfishness, or inclinations

  10. To grant an extension to the deadline of a payment.

  11. To grant as by favour; to bestow in concession, or in compliance with a wish or request.

  12. Jeremy Taylor

  13. persuading us that something must be indulged to public manners
  14. Alexander Pope

  15. Yet, yet a moment, one dim ray of light / Indulge, dread Chaos, and eternal Night!
  16. (inflection of)
