

  1. ~ to jotakuta/jotakin lähellä oleva, jonkun/jonkin läheinen

  2. yhteys|fonetiikka|k=en suppea

Liittyvät sanat: closure



saita, itara, kitsas, nuuka, pihi, penniä venyttävä, lyhyt, lyhyeksi ajeltu, antikliimaksi, lopuksi, loppu, päätös.

Rimmaavat sanat

close rimmaa näiden kanssa:

pose, rosé, sose, marjasose, ruusunmarjasose, raakasose, mustikkasose, omenasose, perunasose, duchesseperunasose...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

close (englanti > suomi)

  1. sulkea

  2. lopettaa, sulkea, päättää

  3. pienentää

  4. sulkeutua

  5. päättää (kauppa)

  6. päätös, loppu

  7. läheinen

  8. umpikuja

close englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To remove a gap.

  2. To obstruct (an opening).

  3. To move so that an opening is closed.

  4. (ux)

  5. (w) (1788-1824)

  6. What deep wounds ever closed without a scar?
  7. (RQ:Chrsty Atbgrfy)

  8. If I close my eyes I can see Marie today as I saw her then. Round, rosy face, snub nose, dark hair piled up in a chignon.
  9. To make (e.g. a gap) smaller.

  10. To grapple; to engage in close combat.

  11. (w) (1796-1859)

  12. They boldly closed in a hand-to-hand contest.
  13. puhekieltä To finish, to terminate.

  14. To put an end to; to conclude; to complete; to finish; to consummate.

  15. (w) (1631-1700)

  16. One frugal supper did our studies close.
  17. To come to an end.

  18. puhekieltä To make a sale.

  19. puhekieltä To make the final outs, usually three, of a game.

  20. puhekieltä To terminate an application, window, file or database connection, etc.

  21. To come or gather around; to enclose; to encompass; to confine.

  22. Bible, (w) ii. 5

  23. The depth closed me round about.
  24. (w) (1593-1633)

  25. But now Thou dost Thyself immure and close / In some one corner of a feeble heart; / Where yet both Sinne and Satan, Thy old foes, / Do pinch and straiten Thee, and use much art / To gain Thy thirds' and little part.
  26. puhekieltä To have a vector sum of 0; that is, to form a closed polygon.

  27. An end or conclusion.

  28. We owe them our thanks for bringing the project to a successful close.

  29. Macaulay

  30. His long and troubled life was drawing to a close.
  31. The manner of shutting; the union of parts; junction.

  32. Chapman

  33. The doors of plank were; their close exquisite.
  34. A grapple in wrestling.

  35. (rfquotek)

  36. puhekieltä The conclusion of a strain of music; cadence.

  37. Dryden

  38. At every close she made, the attending throng / Replied, and bore the burden of the song.
  39. puhekieltä A double bar marking the end.

  40. puhekieltä closed Closed, shut.

  41. 1526, William Tyndale, trans. Bible, Matthew chapter 8:

  42. There is nothinge so close, that shall not be openned, and nothinge so hyd that shall not be knowen.
    From a close bower this dainty music flowed.
  43. 1847, w:Charlotte Brontë|Charlotte Brontë w:Jane Eyre|Jane Eyre, chapter 1:

  44. I mounted into the window-seat: gathering up my feet, I sat cross-legged, like a Turk; and, having drawn the red moreen curtain nearly close, I was shrined in double retirement.
  45. Narrow; confined.

  46. a close alley; close quarters

  47. Charles Dickens

  48. a close prison
  49. At a little distance; near.

  50. (quote-book)|chapter=7

  51. (quote-magazine)

  52. Intimate; well-loved.

  53. puhekieltä Of a corporation or other business entity, closely held.

  54. Oppressive; without motion or ventilation; causing a feeling of lassitude.

  55. Francis Bacon

  56. If the rooms be low-roofed, or full of windows and doors, the one maketh the air close, (..) and the other maketh it exceeding unequal.
  57. puhekieltä Hot, humid, with no wind.

  58. puhekieltä Articulated with the tongue body relatively close to the hard palate.

  59. Strictly confined; carefully guarded.

  60. a close prisoner

  61. puhekieltä Out of the way of observation; secluded; secret; hidden.

  62. Bible, 1 Chron. xii. 1

  63. He yet kept himself close because of Saul.
  64. Spenser

  65. her close intent
  66. Nearly equal; almost evenly balanced.

  67. a close contest

  68. Short.

  69. to cut grass or hair close

  70. puhekieltä Dense; solid; compact.

  71. John Locke

  72. The golden globe being put into a press, (..) the water made itself way through the pores of that very close metal.
  73. puhekieltä Concise; to the point.

  74. close reasoning

    Where the original is close no version can reach it in the same compass.
  75. puhekieltä Difficult to obtain.

  76. Money is close.

  77. puhekieltä Parsimonious; stingy.

  78. Hawthorne

  79. a crusty old fellow, as close as a vice
  80. Adhering strictly to a standard or original; exact.

  81. a close translation

  82. Accurate; careful; precise; also, attentive; undeviating; strict.

  83. The patient was kept under close observation.

  84. Marked, evident.

  85. puhekieltä An enclosed field.

  86. puhekieltä A street that ends in a dead end.

  87. puhekieltä A very narrow alley between two buildings, often overhang overhung by one of the buildings above the ground floor.

  88. puhekieltä The common staircase in a tenement.

  89. A cathedral close.

  90. closes surrounded by the venerable abodes of deans and canons.
  91. puhekieltä The interest which one may have in a piece of ground, even though it is not enclosed.

  92. puhekieltä(attention) to (l); to cease operation

  93. TVB-J2, (w2) (episode 1)

  94. (feminine singular of)

  95. (inflection of)

  96. (feminine singular past participle of)

  97. puhekieltä (l) (gloss)

  98. (l)
