

  1. väli, välys



lupa, kulkulupa, väli, ero, vapaa väli, vapaa leveys, varoetäisyys, etäisyys, tila, tie, liikkumatila, alikulkukorkeus, avokorkeus, vapaa tila, vapaa korkeus, pelivara.

Rimmaavat sanat

clearance rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

clearance (englanti > suomi)

  1. raivaus (act), raivio (space)

  2. välys, varoetäisyys, etäisyys, pelivara

  3. vapaa korkeus (height), vapaa leveys (width), pelivara (reserve space)

  4. lupa (often with a specifying modifier); kulkulupa (vehicle), matkustuslupa (travel)

  5. lupa, valtuutus

  6. tyhjennysmyynti, alennusmyynti

  7. selvitys

  8. puhdistuma

  9. puhdistus

clearance englanniksi

  1. The act of clearing or something (such as a space) cleared

  2. The distance between two moving objects, especially between parts of a machine

  3. The height or width of a tunnel, bridge or other passage, or the distance between a vehicle and the walls or roof of such passage; a gap, headroom.

  4. A permission for a vehicle to proceed, or for a person to travel.

  5. The plane got clearance from air traffic control, and we were off.

    He got clearance to travel to America, even though he had previous links to terrorists

  6. A permission to have access to sensitive or secret documents or other information

  7. A sale of merchandise at a reduced price.

  8. puhekieltä The settlement of transactions involving securities or means of payment such as checks by means of a clearing house.

  9. puhekieltä The removal of harmful substances from the blood; renal clearance.

  10. puhekieltä The act of potting all the remaining balls on a table at one visit.

  11. puhekieltä The act of kicking a ball away from the goal one is defending.

  12. {{quote-journal

  13. puhekieltä Removal of pieces from a rank, file or diagonal so that a bishop, rook or queen is free to move along it.

  14. Clear or net profit.

  15. (rfquotek)

  16. puhekieltä English clearance

  17. puhekieltä (l) (gloss)
