

  1. piispa

  2. (šakki) lähetti



lähetti, šakkinappula, shakkinappula, portviini, glögi, arkkipiispa, piispa, pappi.

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Englannin sanakirja

bishop (englanti > suomi)

  1. piispa

  2. lähetti

bishop englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä An overseer of congregations: either any such overseer, generally speaking, or (in Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, Anglicanism, etc.) an official in the church hierarchy (actively or nominally) governing a diocese, supervising the church's priests, deacons, and property in its territory.

  2. (circa) (w) translating (w)'s Pastoral Care (Hatton MS.), 1

  3. Ælfred king kyning hateð gretan Wærferð biscep.
  4. 1382, (w), Acts xx. 28

  5. all Al the folk in which the Holy Ghost|Hooly Gost sette you ȝou bischopis.
    : Compare w:Tindale's Bible|Tindale overseers oversears, w:Cranmer's Bible|Cranmer overseers ouersears, w:Geneva Bible|Geneva overseers Ouersears, w:Douay–Rheims Bible|Douay bishops, w:King James Bible|KJV overseers ouerseers, w:English Revised Version|ERV bishops with the marginal gloss or overseers.
  6. (circa) (w), Selected Works, III. 310

  7. Christ Crist veriest bischop of alle.
  8. 1641, ‘Smectymnuus’, Vindic. Answer Hvmble Remonstr., §16. 208

  9. w:King James I of England|King James of blessed memory said, no Bishop, no King: it was not he, but others that added, No Ceremony, no Bishop.
  10. 1715, William Hendley, A Defence of the Church of England, 16

  11. w:Ignatius of Antioch|St. Ignatius... In his 'Epiſtle to the Magneſians,' he exhorts them to do all things in the love of God, telling them, the Biſhop preſides in the place of God...
  12. 1845, J. Lingard, Hist. & Antiq. Anglo-Saxon Church 3rd ed., I. iv. 146

  13. These ministers were at first confined to the three orders of bishops, priests, and deacons.
  14. 1868, Joseph Barber Lightfoot, St. Pauls epistle to the Philippians'', 93

  15. It is a fact now generally recognized by theologians of all shades of opinion, that in the language of the New Testament the same officer in the Church is called indifferently ‘bishopἐπίσκοπος and ‘elder’ or ‘presbyterπρεσβύτερος.
  16. puhekieltä A similar official or chief priest in another religion.

  17. (circa), translating Orosius's History, v. iv. §1

  18. w:Licinia (gens)|Lucinius Crassus... was wæs eac Romana ieldesta biscep.
  19. 1586, Thomas Bowes translating Pierre de la Primaudaye's The French Academie, I. 633

  20. The Caliphaes of the Saracens Sarasins were kings and chiefe bishops in their religion.
  21. 1615, William Bedwell, Arabian Trudgman in translating Mohammedis Imposturæ, sig. N4

  22. The Byshop of Egypt is called the Sultan Souldan.
  23. puhekieltä Any watchman, inspector, or overlooker.

  24. 1592, Lancelot Andrewes, Sermons (1843), v. 516

  25. No pinnacle so high but the devil is a bishop over it, to visit and overlook it.
  26. puhekieltä The holder of the Greek or Roman position of (m), supervisor over the public dole of grain, etc.

  27. 1808, The Monthly Magazine and British Register, 26 109

  28. They gave away grain corn, not cash; and (w) was made bishop, or overseer, of this public victualling.
  29. The chief of the Festival of Fools or St. Nicholas Day.

  30. puhekieltä The chess piece denoted or which moves along diagonal lines and developed from the shatranj alfil ("elephant") and was originally known as the aufil or archer in English.

  31. 1562, Rowbotham in Archaeologia, XXIV. 203

  32. The Bishoppes some name Alphins, some fooles, and some name them Princes; other some call them Archers.
  33. 1656, Francis Beale translating Gioachino Greco as The royall game of chesse-play, being the study of Biochimo, 2

  34. A Bishop or Archer, who is commonly figured with his head cloven.
  35. Any of various African birds of the genus Euplectes; a kind of weaverbird closely related to the widowbirds.

  36. puhekieltä A ladybug or ladybird, beetles of the genus Coccinellidae.

  37. 1875, William Douglas Parish, A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect

  38. Bishop, Bishop-Barnabee,
    Tell me when my wedding shall be;
    If it be to-morrow day,
    ope Ope your wings and fly away.
  39. puhekieltä A sweet drink made from wine, usually with oranges, lemons, and sugar; mulled and spiced port.

  40. '''ante 1745', (w), Women who cry Apples in Works'' (1746), VIII. 192

  41. Well roasted, with Sugar and Wine in a Cup,
    They'll make a sweet Bishop.
  42. 1791, J. Boswell, (w), anno 1752 I. 135

  43. A bowl of that liquor called Bishop, which Johnson had always liked.
  44. 1801, (w), Poems, II. 169

  45. Spicy bishop, drink divine.
  46. puhekieltä A bustle.

  47. (circa), John Saxe, Progress

  48. If, by her bishop, or her 'your Grace|grace' alone,
    A genuine lady, or a church, is known.
  49. puhekieltä A children's smock or pinafore.

  50. 1874, (w) in Lanc. Gloss. (E.D.S.)

  51. Here; take tak him, and an wash wesh him; and|an' put him a clean clen bishop on.
  52. puhekieltä To act as a bishop, to perform the duties of a bishop, especially to confirm another's membership in the church.

  53. (circa) Thorpes Laws'', II. 348 (Bosw.)

  54. Se Etymology 1|bisceop biþ gesett... to bisceopgenne cild.
  55. (circa), Shoreham, 5

  56. when Wanne the Etymology 1|bisschop, bisschopeth thee the
    token Tokene of marke he set on thee the.
  57. 1622, W. Yonge, Diary (1848), 50

  58. The Marquis of Buckingham and his wife were both bishopped, or confirmed by the Bishop of London.
  59. 1655, T. Fuller, Church-hist. Brit., ix. 81

  60. Harding and Saunders Bishop it in England.
  61. 1971, (w), Religion and the Decline of Magic, Folio Society 2012, page 35:

  62. Here too physical effects were vulgarly attributed to the ceremony… as evidenced by the case of the old Norfolk woman who claimed to have been ‘bishopped’ seven times, because she found it helped her rheumatism.
  63. puhekieltä To confirm (in its other senses).

  64. 1596, W. Warner, Albions Eng., x. liv. 243

  65. Why sent they it by Felton to be bishoped at Paules?
  66. 1700, (w) translating (w)'s Cymon & Iphigenia in Fables, 550

  67. He.., chose to bear The Name of Fool confirm'd, and 'Bishopd''' by the Fair.
  68. puhekieltä To make a bishop.

  69. 1549, H. Latimer, 2nd Serm. before Kynges Maiestie, 5th Serm. sig. Pviv

  70. this Thys hathe been bene often times tymes... seen sene in preachers before they were byshoppyd or benificed.
  71. 1861 November 23, Sat. Rev., 537

  72. There may be other... matters to occupy the thoughts of one about to be bishopped.
  73. puhekieltä To provide with bishops.

  74. 1865 December 6, Daily Telegraph, 5/3

  75. Italy would be well bishoped if her episcopacy... did not exceed fifty-nine.
  76. puhekieltä To permit food (especially milk) to burn while cooking (from bishops role in the inquisition or as mentioned in the quotation below, of horses'').

  77. '''ante 1536', Tyndale, Works'', 166 (T.)

  78. If the porridge porage be burned to, or the meate over ouer roasted rosted, we say the bishop hath put his foote in the potte or the bishop hath played the cooke, because the bishops burn who they lust and whosoever displeaseth them.
  79. 1641, (w), Animadversions, 9

  80. It will be as bad as the Bishops foot in the broth.
  81. 1738, (w), Compl. Coll. Genteel Conversat., 10

  82. The Cream is burnt to.
    Betty. Why, Madam, the Bishop has set his Foot in it.
  83. 1863, E. C. Gaskell, Sylvias Lovers'', I. 64

  84. She canna stomach it if it's bishopped ever|e'er so little.

  85. 1875, Lanc. Gloss., 40

  86. the|Th' milk's bishopped again!
  87. puhekieltä To make a horse seem younger, particularly by manipulation of its teeth.

  88. 1727, R. Bradley, Family Dict. at "Horse"

  89. This way of making a Horse look young is... called Bishoping.
  90. 1788, Francis Grose, A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue 2nd ed.

  91. B(smallcaps), or T(smallcaps). A term among horse horſe dealers, for burning the mark into a horse horſe's tooth, after he has lost loſt it by age... It is a common saying ſaying of milk that is burnt to, that the biſhop has fet his foot in it. Formerly, when a biſhop passed paſſed through a village, all the inhabitants ran out of their house houſes to solicit ſolicit his blessing bleſſing, even leaving their milk, &c. on the fire, to take its chance; which, when burnt to, was said ſaid to be biſhopped.
  92. 1840, E. E. Napier, Scenes & Sports Foreign Lands, I. v. 138

  93. I found his teeth had been filed down and bishoped with the greatest neatness and perfection.
  94. puhekieltä To murder by drowning.

  95. 1840, R.H. Barham, Some Account of a New Play in Ingoldsby Legends 1st series, 308

  96. I burke Burked the papa, now I'll Bishop the son.
  97. 1870, Walter Thornbury, Old Stories Re-told

  98. There were no more burke Burking murders until 1831, when two men, named Bishop and Williams, drowned a poor 14-year-old Italian boy in Bethnal Green, and sold his body to the surgeons.
  99. 2002, Helen Smith, Grave-Robbers, Cut-throats, and Poisoners of London, 66

  100. John Bishop and another grave-robber called Thomas Williams had drowned the boy, a woman and another boy in a well in John Bishop's garden in (w)... Bishop and Williams were hanged outside (w) in December 1831 in front of an angry crowd of 30,000.
