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buster rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tonic water, copywriter, bitter, babysitter...

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Englannin sanakirja

buster (englanti > suomi)

  1. kamu

  2. uuno, mäntti

buster englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä someone Someone who or something that bursts, breaks, or destroys a specified thing.

  2. 1614, S. Jerome, Moses his Sight of Canaan, 147:

  3. Now death, I pray thee what is it, but a buster of bonds; a destruction of toil toyle?
  4. 2005, J. Madhavan, Sita & Forest Bandits, 122:

  5. Rothlin was described... by the papers as the buster of the bandit ring.
  6. puhekieltä (non-gloss definition).

  7. 1940 September 2, Life, 29/1:

  8. German ‘balloon busters’ attack the Dover barrage.
  9. 1958 February 10, Life, 70:

  10. Our main purpose in further experimentation with nuclear bombs is not... to make city-busters more horrible.
  11. puhekieltä someone Someone who or something that 'breaks', tames, or overpowers a specified person or thing.

  12. puhekieltä A broncobuster.

  13. 1891 July, Harpers Magazine'', 208/2

  14. The buster must be careful to keep well away from sheds and timber.
  15. 1920, F. A. McKenzie, ‘Pussyfoot’ Johnson, v. 83:

  16. Men nicknamed him the ‘Booze Buster’, and cartoonists loved to picture him, revolver in hand,... fighting the demon rum.
  17. 1974' July 4, New Scientist, 65/2:

  18. The professional fraud-busters of the art world.
  19. 1984 November 18, N.Y. Times, iv. 24/2:

  20. New York City traffic agents have become Gridlock Busters and cigarette foes are smokebusters.
  21. puhekieltä someone Someone or something remarkable, especially for being loud, large, etc..

  22. 1833 April, Parthenon, 293:

  23. ‘I had to clean this old roarer,’ continued the ‘editor’... as he wiped the barrel of his pistol. ‘She's a buster, I tell you.’
  24. 2004 November 20, South Wales Echo, 9:

  25. What a buster of a lunch it turned out to be.
  26. puhekieltä (non-gloss definition): guy, dude, fella, mack, buddy, loser. (Originally as old buster'''.)

  27. 1838 March 24, New Yorker, 4/1:

  28. That's generous, old buster.
  29. 1919, (w), ''(w), 79:

  30. An extremely wealthy old buster.
  31. 2001, S. MacKay, Fall Guy, ix. 113:

  32. ‘Careful, buster,’ she said. ‘I've got a knife in my hand.’
  33. puhekieltä A loaf of bread.

  34. 1835 September 16, Morning Post, 4/2:

  35. Three penny busters, and a whole kit-full of winegar and mustard.
  36. 1904 June 8, Journal of the Department of Labour (New Zealand), 536:

  37. An 8oz. loaf of brown bread... goes by the name of ‘buster’, I suppose on account of the way they blow you out.
  38. puhekieltä A drinking spree, a binge.

  39. 1848, John Russell Bartlett, Dictionary of Americanisms:

  40. They were on a buster, and were taken up by the police.
  41. 1922, (w), w:Ulysses (novel)|Ulysses, 405:

  42. All off for a buster, armstrong, hollering down the street.
  43. puhekieltä A gale, a strong wind; puhekieltä a southerly buster.

  44. 1848, John Russell Bartlett, Dictionary of Americanisms

  45. ‘This is a buster,’ i.e. a powerful or heavy wind.
  46. 1886, Frank Cowan, Australia, 14:

  47. The Buster and Brickfielder: austral red-dust blizzard and red-hot Simoom.
  48. 1991, J. Moore, By Way of Wind, 121:

  49. When the barometer drops rapidly... watch out for a strong sou'wester. A buster can be on you in a flash.
  50. puhekieltä A heavy fall; puhekieltä a staged fall, a pratfall.

  51. 1874 April, Bailys Monthly Magazine'', 114:

  52. Dainty... came down ‘a buster’ at the last hurdle, and Scots Grey cantered in by himself.
  53. puhekieltä A molting crab.

  54. 1855 October 18, Henry A. Wise, letter in J.P. Hambleton's Biographical Sketch of Henry A. Wise (1856), 448:

  55. In that state he is called a ‘Buster’, bursting his shell.
  56. 2002 January 6, N.Y. Times, v. 4/6:

  57. Restaurant August... serves contemporary French cuisine prepared with Louisiana ingredients like buster crabs, shrimp and oysters.
  58. (plural indefinite of)
