

  1. häviäjä


All my past romantic partners were 'losers'.

Liittyvät sanat: winner



kilpailija, konkurssivelallinen, konkurssikypsä, maksukyvytön henkilö, tähdenlento, epäonnistuja, nolla, tunari, uhkapeluri, häviäjä, epäonnistumaan tuomittu henkilö, epäonnistunut ihminen, luuseri.

Rimmaavat sanat

loser rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

loser (englanti > suomi)

  1. häviäjä

  2. epäonnistuja, luuseri

  3. luuseri

  4. painonpudottaja

loser englanniksi

  1. A person who loses; one who fails to win or thrive.

  2. In a two-horse race there is always one winner and one loser.

    He was always a good loser.

  3. Something of poor quality.

  4. That dictionary is a loser!

  5. A person who is frequently unsuccessful in life.

  6. That guy is a born loser!

    I’m a constant loser in love.

  7. puhekieltä A contemptible or unfashionable person.

  8. That person is a loser!

  9. One who or that which loses something, such as extra weight, car keys, etc.

  10. 1999, Larry Medsker, ‎Lakhmi C. Jain, Recurrent Neural Networks: Design and Applications (ISBN 0849371813), page 192:

  11. Another way to speed search (in general) is to order or bias the hypothesis space based on some heuristic. Suppose you are a habitual car key loser and that you keep track of where your keys turn up after each search.
  12. 2004, Marianna S. Katona, Tales from the Berlin Wall: Recollections of Frequent Crossings (ISBN 3833404396):

  13. But a West German reporting a lost passport in East Berlin during the years of the Wall was treated to a criminal investigation, with the passport loser as the potential criminal.
  14. 2005, Maggie Greenwood-Robinson, The Biggest Loser: The Weight Loss Program to Transform Your Body, Health and Life (ISBN 13: 978-1-59486-384-4)

  15. 2009, Jane Bryant Quinn, Making the Most of Your Money Now

  16. You're counting on this insurance company to pay you a check many years in the future. But for some companies, disability coverage has been a money loser.
  17. 2010, Cutting Myself in Half: 150 Pounds Lost, One Byte at a Time (ISBN 0757313590), page 109:

  18. You have to think of yourself as an already amazing person who's hiding behind extra weight—a superhero in a disguise. If you follow the program, (..) change the message from “I'm a big loser” to “I'm a big weight loser.”
  19. (l)

  20. puhekieltä loser

  21. (de-form-adj)

  22. (inflection of)
