


ilmaisu, ilmaus, ääntäminen, ääntely, huuto, parkaisu, huudahdus, karjunta, ulvonta, kiljahdus, karjaisu, mylvintä, ärjäisy, parahdus, rääkäisy, mylvähdys, kiljaisu, ulvahdus, ärjyntä, kirkaisu, buuaus, vihellys, meteli, metakka.

Rimmaavat sanat

vociferation rimmaa näiden kanssa:

science fiction, lotion...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

vociferation (englanti > suomi)

  1. huuto

vociferation englanniksi

  1. The act of exclaiming; violent outcry; vehement utterance of the voice.

  2. (RQ:Fielding Tom Jones)

  3. And as she apprehended the boy's life was in danger, she screamed ten times louder than before; and indeed Master Blifil himself now seconded her with all the vociferation in his power.
  4. 1837 (w), (w)

  5. Crack go the whips; but twenty Patriot arms have seized each of the eight bridles: there is rearing, rocking, vociferation; not the smallest headway.
