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tosheroon rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

tosheroon englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A half-crown coin; its value

  2. 1933, (w), (w), xxix

    ‘'ere|’Ere y'|y’are, the best rig out|rig-out you ever 'ad|’ad. A tosheroon half a crown for the coat, two 'og|’ogs for the trousers, one and a tanner for the boots, and a 'og|’og for the cap and scarf. That’s seven bob.’

  3. 1961, Eric Partridge, The Routledge Dictionary of Historical Slang

  4. tush or tosh. Money: Cockney: late C.19–20. ex Ex: tusheroon... But w:John Camden Hotten|H. errs, I believe: he should mean half-a-crown, for tusheroon and its C.20 variant tossaroon (2s. 6d.) are manifest corruptions of Lingua Franca madza caroon|MADZA CAROON.
  5. puhekieltä A crown coin; its value

  6. 1859, (w), (w)

  7. Half-a-crown is known as an (smallcaps), (smallcaps), (smallcaps), and a (smallcaps); whilst a crown piece, or five shillings, may be called either a (smallcaps), or a (smallcaps), or a (smallcaps), or a (smallcaps), or a (smallcaps), or a (smallcaps).
  8. 1912, J.W. Horsley, I Remember, xii. 253

  9. tush Tush’, for money, would be an abbreviation of ‘tusheroon’, which in old cant, and also in tinker dialect, signified a crown.
