

  1. mielistelijä, hännystelijä

Liittyvät sanat: sycophant



mielistelijä, saappaannuolija, liehakoija, matelija, nöyristelijä, pokkuroija, imartelija, hurskastelija, hännystelijä, perseennuolija, makeilija, imarrella, mielistellä, nuoleskella, liehakoida, hännystellä, nöyristellä, madella, liehitellä, pokkuroida.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

toady (englanti > suomi)

  1. mielistelijä, hännystelijä, makeilija, imartelija

toady englanniksi

  1. A sycophant who flatters others to gain personal advantage.

  2. 1929, w:Virginia Woolf|Virginia Woolf, w:A Room of Ones Own|A Room of One's Own'', Penguin Books, paperback edition, page 61

  3. But how could she have helped herself? I asked, imagining the sneers and the laughter, the adulation of the toadies, the scepticism of the professional poet.
  4. 1912, Stratemeyer Syndicate, Baseball Joe on the School Nine Chapter 1

  5. "Go on, Hiram, show 'em what you can do," urged Luke Fodick, who was a sort of toady to Hiram Shell, the school bully, if ever there was one.
  6. Charles Dickens

  7. Before I had been standing at the window five minutes, they somehow conveyed to me that they were all toadies and humbugs.
  8. puhekieltä A coarse, rustic woman.

  9. (rfquotek)

  10. puhekieltä To behave like a toady (to someone).
