


kaasutin, venttiili, kaasuttimen venttiili, kaasupoljin, kaasu, poljin, pedaali.

Rimmaavat sanat

throttle rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

throttle (englanti > suomi)

  1. kuristusläppä, kaasuläppä

  2. kaasupoljin, kaasu

  3. hidastaa jokin|alt=jonkin vauhti|alt=vauhtia

  4. kuristaa

throttle englanniksi

  1. A valve that regulates the supply of fuel-air mixture to an internal combustion engine and thus controls its speed; a similar valve that controls the air supply to an engine.

  2. The lever or pedal that controls this valve.

  3. The windpipe or trachea.

  4. (rfquotek)

  5. puhekieltä To cut back on the speed of (an engine, person, organization, network connection, etc.).

  6. puhekieltä To strangle or choke someone.

  7. Milton

  8. Grant him this, and the Parliament hath no more freedom than if it sat in his noose, which, when he pleases to draw together with one twitch of his negative, shall throttle a whole nation, to the wish of Caligula, in one neck.
  9. puhekieltä To have the throat obstructed so as to be in danger of suffocation; to choke; to suffocate.

  10. puhekieltä To breathe hard, as when nearly suffocated.

  11. puhekieltä To utter with breaks and interruption, in the manner of a person half suffocated.

  12. William Shakespeare

  13. I have seen them shiver and look pale,
    Make periods in the midst of sentences,
    Throttle their practised accent in their fears.
