

  1. teatteri

  2. en-am-kirj elokuvateatteri

  3. en-am-kirj leikkaussali

  4. ~ (of war|of war) sotanäyttämö


This man is about to die, get him into 'theater' at once!

His grandfather was in the Pacific 'theater' during the war.

Liittyvät sanat: proscenium



areenateatteri, teatteri, katsomo, teatteritalo, elokuvateatteri.

Rimmaavat sanat

theater rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tonic water...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

theater (englanti > suomi)

  1. teatteri

  2. rintama

  3. luentosali

theater englanniksi

  1. A place or building, consisting of a stage and seating, in which an audience gathers to watch plays, musical performances, public ceremonies, and so on.

  2. (rfdat) w:Oscar Wilde|Oscar Wilde:

  3. The theater is not merely the meeting place of all the arts, it is also the return of art to life.
  4. A region where a particular action takes place; a specific field of action, usually with reference to war.

  5. His grandfather was in the Pacific theater during the war.

  6. A lecture theatre.

  7. puhekieltä An operating theatre or locale for human experimentation.

  8. This man is about to die, get him into theater at once!

  9. puhekieltä A cinema.

  10. We sat in the back row of the theater and threw popcorn at the screen.

  11. Drama or performance as a profession or artform.

  12. I worked in the theater for twenty-five years.

  13. (l) (US), (l) (Commonwealth): either drama, the art form, or a drama theater (building)
