

  1. ehdotus

  2. suggestio


to make a suggestion.

Liittyvät sanat: suggest



kognitiivinen prosessi, mieleenjohdattaminen, mieleenmuistuminen, suggestio, idea, ajatus, aatos, ehdotus, aavistus, vihi, pilkahdus, jälkihypnoosi, jälkisuggestio, esitys, koepallo.


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science fiction, lotion...

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Englannin sanakirja

suggestion (englanti > suomi)

  1. ehdotus

  2. ehdottaminen

  3. käsitys, mielikuva

suggestion englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä Something suggested (with subsequent adposition being for)

  2. I have a small suggestion for fixing this: try lifting the left side up a bit.

    Traffic signs seem to be more of a suggestion than an order.

  3. puhekieltä The act of suggesting.

  4. Suggestion often works better than explicit demand.

  5. puhekieltä Something imply implied, which the mind is liable to take as fact.

  6. Hes somehow picked up the suggestion that I like peanuts.''

  7. (lbl) information, insinuation, speculation, as opposed to a sworn testimony and evidence

  8. (synonym of)

  9. 1823, (w), The History of England During the Middle Ages: Comprizing the reigns of ...

  10. "All that can be justly done to either, is to bring, as we have attempted, all the facts that can be now elicited, and the most natural probabilities which they suggestion both sides, to the reader's consideration."
  11. taivutettu muoto

  12. (l); proposal

  13. (l) (gloss)
