

  1. Kirgisian ja Uzbekistanin rahayksikkö (tunnukset KGS ja UZS)



Kirgisian rahayksikkö, Uzbekistanin rahayksikkö.

Liittyvät sanat: soma, somaattinen, somali, somalialainen, somasti, somatisaatio.


  1. somikset: suhteet / "välit" : Millaset somikset sul on nykyää faijas kans?

  2. sompa: auton ohjauspyörä

  3. sompailee: ajaa autoa : Se sompailee kaiket illat siel Aleksis Kiveksen kadulla.

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som rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

som englanniksi

  1. The currency of Uzbekistan.

  2. The currency of Kyrgyzstan.

  3. (ca-verb form of)

  4. (archaic form of)

  5. as (in the same way that)

  6. like

  7. such as

  8. for

  9. puhekieltä whoEnglish who, whichEnglish which, thatEnglish that

  10. sum

  11. cornel

  12. (jbo-rafsi of)

  13. (inflection of)

  14. some

  15. as; similar to, in the same way that

  16. puhekieltä who, which

  17. asPreposition as; to the same extent or degree that

  18. as

  19. Han jobbar som kelner.

    He is working as a waiter.

  20. puhekieltä who, which, that

  21. Dette er bilen som eg kjøpte.

    This is the car that I bought.

    Det var den mannen som kom.

    That was the man who came.

    Somt av det er nytt, resten er gamalt.

    Some of it is new, the rest is old.

  22. sound

  23. catfish

  24. as, like; similar to

  25. Flitig som ett bi.

    Busy as a bee.

    Hon lät som en häst.

    She sounded like a horse.

  26. as; in the same way that

  27. Som du önskar.

    As you wish.

    Det var hon som gjorde det.

    She is the one who did it.

    Det där är stenen som kraschade rutan.

    That’s the stone that broke the window.

    Du är inte lika lång som jag är.

    You are not as tall as I am.

    Du är inte lika lång som jag.

    You are not as tall as me.

  28. salmon
