

  1. valuutta, raha

  2. käypyys, kuranttius; levinneisyys, yleinen hyväksyttävyys, suosio tms.

  3. ajantasaisuus

  4. yhteys|vanhentunut|k=en (kielitaidosta) sujuvuus


hard 'currency'

In Finland and Russia, squirrel pelts were a common form of 'currency' in ancient times.

Thats why the idea of a guaranteed minimum income is gaining 'currency'. (Sunday Times)

The concept of status had wide 'currency' in the post-World War II heyday of structural functionalism.

The idea has become common 'currency'.

:Ideasta on tullut yleisesti hyväksytty.

the accuracy and 'currency' of the information

Liittyvät sanat: currency basket, currency cocktail, reserve currency, currency union, currency war



nykyinen, ajankohtainen, tämänhetkinen, ei käytössä oleva, vallitsevuus, yleisyys, yleinen hyväksyminen, nykyisyys, nykyhetkisyys, ajanmukaisuus, ajankohtaisuus, päivänkohtaisuus.

Englannin sanakirja

currency (englanti > suomi)

  1. valuutta

currency englanniksi

  1. money Money or other items used to facilitate transactions.

  2. wampum Wampum was used as a currency by Amerindians.

  3. puhekieltä paper Paper money.

  4. 1943, (w), (w), chapter 3,

  5. Spangler went through his pockets, coming out with a handful of small coins, one piece of currency and a hard-boiled egg.
  6. The state of being current; general acceptance or recognition.

  7. The jargon jargon’s currency.

  8. puhekieltä fluency; readiness of utterance

  9. puhekieltä Current value; general estimation; the rate at which anything is generally valued.

  10. He (..) takes greatness of kingdoms according to their bulk and currency, and not after intrinsic value. — Francis Bacon.

    The bare name of Englishman (..) too often gave a transient currency to the worthless and ungrateful. — W. Irving.
