

  1. hymy



kasvonilme, ilme, mairea hymy, hymy, hymyily, hymyileminen, virne, virnistys, virnisteleminen, omahyväinen hymy, teeskentelevä hymy, typerä hymy, hymyillä, paljastaa hymykuopat, irvistää, ilmehtiä, irvistellä.

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Englannin sanakirja

smile (englanti > suomi)

  1. hymy

  2. hymyillä

smile englanniksi

  1. A facial expression comprised by flexing the muscles of both ends of one's mouth, often showing the front tooth teeth, without vocalisation, and in humans is a common involuntary or voluntary expression of happiness, pleasure, amusement or anxiety.

  2. (ux)

  3. (quote-book)

  4. (RQ:EHough PrqsPrc)

  5. Captain Edward Carlisle, soldier as he was, martinet as he was, felt a curious sensation of helplessness seize upon him as he met her steady gaze, her alluring smile ; he could not tell what this prisoner might do.
  6. puhekieltä To have (a smile) on one's face.

  7. (quote-book)|chapter=7

  8. puhekieltä To express by smiling.

  9. puhekieltä To express amusement, pleasure, or love and kindness.

  10. Byron

  11. When last I saw thy young blue eyes, they smiled.
  12. puhekieltä To look cheerful and joyous; to have an appearance suited to excite joy.

  13. The sun smiled down from a clear summer sky.

  14. Alexander Pope

  15. The desert smiled, / And paradise was opened in the wild.
  16. puhekieltä To be propitious or favourable; to countenance.

  17. The gods smiled on his labours.

  18. to (l)

  19. smile fra (l) til øre - grin from ear to ear

    Smil til kameraet. - Smile for the camera.
