

  1. liukas


slippery slope kalteva pinta

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

slippery (englanti > suomi)

  1. liukas

slippery englanniksi

  1. Of a surface, having low friction, often due to being covered in a non-viscous liquid, and therefore hard to grip, hard to stand on without falling, etc.

  2. Oily substances render things slippery.

  3. puhekieltä evasive Evasive; difficult to pin down.

  4. a slippery person

    a slippery promise

  5. puhekieltä Liable to slip; not standing firm.

  6. 1602, w: William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare, s: Troilus and Cressida|Troilus and Cressida, III. iii. 84:

  7. Which when they fall, as being slippery standers, / The love that leaned on them, as slippery too, / Do one pluck down another, and together / Die in the fall.
  8. unstable Unstable; changeable; inconstant.

  9. 1668, Sir John Denham

  10. He looking down
    With scorn or pity on the slippery state
    Of kings, will tread upon the neck of fate.
  11. puhekieltä wanton Wanton; unchaste; loose in morals.

  12. 1610, w: William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare, s: The Winters Tale|The Winter's Tale'', I. ii. 273:

  13. My wife is slippery? If thou wilt confess –
