

  1. tahmea

  2. sitkas



kiinnittyvä, tahmea, tarttuva, tarrautuva, tahmainen, sakea, siirappimainen, siirappinen, sitkeä, viskoosinen.

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viscous rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

viscous (englanti > suomi)

  1. viskoottinen, viskoosinen, viskoosi

viscous englanniksi

  1. Having a thick, sticky consistency between solid and liquid

  2. (quote-journal)|date=23 December 2014|passage=(..) The flesh of the mistletoe berry is sticky, and forms strings and ribbons between my thumb and forefinger. For the mistletoe, this viscous goop – and by the way, viscous comes to English from Viscum viscum – is crucial. The stickiness means that, after eating the berries, birds often regurgitate the seeds and then wipe their bills on twigs – leading to the seeds' getting glued to the tree, where they can germinate and begin the cycle anew.

  3. puhekieltä Of or pertaining to viscosity

  4. (l) (of a liquid, thick; tending to flow slowly)
