


kaareva, kiemurainen, käärmemäinen, kiemurteleva, mutkikas, mutkitteleva.

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

serpentine (englanti > suomi)

  1. kiemurteleva, mutkitteleva, mutkikas

  2. käärmemäinen

  3. juonikas

  4. serpentiini

  5. serpentiini|alt=serpentiini-

  6. serpentiinialue region

serpentine englanniksi

  1. sinuous Sinuous; curving in alternate directions.

  2. The serpentine path through the mountains was narrow and dangerous.

  3. Having the shape or form of a snake.

  4. There are serpentine species of lizards which do not have legs.

  5. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of snakes.

  6. Of, or having attributes associated with, the mythological serpent, such as craftiness or deceitfulness.

  7. The wily criminal was known for his serpentine behavior.

  8. Any of several plants believed to cure snakebites.

  9. An early form of cannon.

  10. A coiled distillation tube.

  11. puhekieltä Any of several related cubic curves; anguinea

  12. puhekieltä To serpentize; to turn or bend; to meander.

  13. Lord Lyttelton

  14. There were two little lakes, or rather large pools which stood in the bottom, whence issued a rivulet which serpentined in view for two or three miles, offering a pleasing relief to the eye.
  15. puhekieltä Of or characteristic of serpentine rocks or the plants that grow there.

  16. puhekieltä Any of several green/brown minerals consisting of a magnesium and iron silicates that have similar layered crystal structure.

  17. puhekieltä An outcrop or region with soil and rock dominated by these minerals.

  18. (inflection of)
