

  1. häipyä, vetää


Here! Take you money and 'scram'! – Tässä! Ota rahasi ja 'häivy'!



lähteä pois, häipyä, painua, lähteä, liueta, mennä vittuun, suksia vittuun, ottaa hatkat.

Rimmaavat sanat

scram rimmaa näiden kanssa:

edam, mainstream, islam, seesam, wigwam...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

scram (englanti > suomi)

  1. häipyä, ottaa hatkat

scram englanniksi

  1. Get out of here; go away (frequently imperative).

  2. If you dont scram, I'll leave instead!''

  3. puhekieltä To abruptly insert the control rods of a nuclear reactor, usually in case of emergency shutdown.

  4. 1983, Michio Kaku & Jennifer Trainer (eds.), Nuclear Power: Both Sides, p. 22,

  5. The slightest problem in a reactor will cause the control rods to plunge automatically in the uranium core at hih speeds (this is called scramming the reactor) and stop the chain reaction.
  6. 1999, Charles Perrow, Normal Accidents: Living with High-risk Technologies, p. 44,

  7. This shut off current to the control rod mechanism, and the reactor scrammed (shut off) automatically.
  8. 2000, Ralph R. Fullwood, Probabilistic Safety Assessment in the Chemical and Nuclear Industries, Elsevier, page 218

  9. Both active and manual methods scram by tripping power to a dedicated pump that unbalances the flows to the (SI) passively scram the reactor.
  10. 2007, Samuel Upton Newtan, Nuclear War I and Other Major Nuclear Disasters of the 20th Century, p. 113,

  11. The reactor was then "scramed", but the control rods did not slide back into the reactor.
  12. A rapid shutdown of a nuclear reactor

  13. (alternative spelling of)

  14. puhekieltä scratchVerb Scratch with claws or fingernails.

  15. 1996–2014, “ A Dictionary of Slang”, archived on 30 August 2013, accessed on 19 March 2014:

  16. Verb. ... 2. To scratch, with claws or fingernails. E.g. "It's my own fault the cat scrammed me, I was teasing it." South Wales use
  17. (quote-journal) (Also reported as 2013 December 21, “Cat wakes woman as flat fills with smoke”", (w), p. 17.)

  18. puhekieltä A scratchNoun scratch, especially caused by claws or fingernails.

  19. Noun. ... 2. A scratch. South Wales use
