

  1. akateeminen tutkimus

  2. stipendi


accept a full scholarship to MIT

Liittyvät sanat: scholar



koulutus, oppineisuus, oppi, tietämys, lukenut, avustus, taloudellinen apu, raha-avustus, taloudellinen tuki, stipendi, apuraha, palkinto, voitto.

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Englannin sanakirja

scholarship (englanti > suomi)

  1. apuraha, stipendi

  2. tietämys, tiedot|p

scholarship englanniksi

  1. A grant-in-aid to a student.

  2. The character or quality qualities of a scholar.

  3. The activity, methods or attainments of a scholar.

  4. puhekieltä The sum of knowledge accrued by scholars; the realm of refined learning.

  5. puhekieltä The first year of high school, often accompanied by exams that needed to be passed before advancement to the higher grades.

  6. puhekieltä To attend on a scholarship.

  7. (quote-book)

  8. Up from the tenements of the Lower East Side, he had scholarshiped at Cornell and Harvard Law.
  9. To grant a scholarship.

  10. In the first year, twenty children were scholarshiped to attend the Kids Across America Kamp in Branson, Missouri.
    Judith Lewis is a doctoral student at State University, and she also works full-time as an academic tutor for 10 scholarshiped student athletes.
