

  1. tapaaminen, ennalta sovittu kohtaaminen



treffit, tapaaminen, tärskyt.


Rimmaavat sanat

rendezvous rimmaa näiden kanssa:

siivous, lauantaisiivous, viikkosiivous, suursiivous, syyssiivous, joulusiivous, rivous, rosvous, ilmarosvous, merirosvous...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

rendezvous (englanti > suomi)

  1. tapaaminen

  2. tavata, kohdata

rendezvous englanniksi

  1. A meeting or date.

  2. (ux)

  3. 1845, Dublin University Magazine (volume 25, page 39)

  4. The hare lends its form to the witch for her twilight flittings and scuddings to the place of some unhallowed rendezvous.
  5. An agreement to meet; a location or time agreed upon to meet.

  6. A place appointed for a meeting, or at which persons customarily meet.

  7. Sir Walter Scott

  8. an inn, the free rendezvous of all travellers
  9. puhekieltä The appointed place for troops, or for the ships of a fleet, to assemble; also, a place for enlistment.

  10. Clarendon

  11. The king appointed his whole army to be drawn together to a rendezvous at Marlborough.
  12. puhekieltä retreat; refuge

  13. (rfquotek)

  14. To meet at an agreed time and place.

  15. date, appointment (gloss)

  16. (l)
