

  1. rasismi

Liittyvät sanat: racial discrimination



diskriminaatio, syrjintä, suosikkijärjestelmä, rasismi, rotuviha, rotusyrjintä, rodullinen profilointi, ennakkoasenne, ennakkoluulo, ennakkokäsitys, ennakkoluuloisuus, antisemitismi, juutalaisvastaisuus, valkoinen ylivalta.

Englannin sanakirja

racism (englanti > suomi)

  1. rasismi

racism englanniksi

  1. The belief that each race has distinct and intrinsic attributes.

  2. The belief that one race or ethnic group is superior or inferior to another race or group of races.

  3. prejudice Prejudice or discrimination based upon race or ethnicity.

  4. Malcolm X and Martin Luther King both spoke out against racism.

  5. 2007, Joseph Godson Amamoo, Ghana: 50 years of independence

  6. For, if racism against non-whites is morally wrong and unjustifiable, then how can racism against whites be morally right and justifiable?
  7. puhekieltä A hierarchical system that benefits one race at the expense of all others.
