

  1. yhteys|arkikieltä|k=en kissa, kissimirri

  2. yhteys|slangia|amerikanenglantia|k=en nynny

  3. yhteys|alatyyliä|puhekieltä|k=en emätin, pillu, tussu


Mr. Humphries, leave my 'pussy' alone!

You are such a 'pussy'.

My 'pussy' is wet.

Liittyvät sanat: puss



septinen, verenmyrkytystä synnyttävä, tulehtunut, infektoitunut, purulentti, märkäinen, märkivä, kissa, kotikissa, Felis domesticus, Felis catus, kisu, kisumirri, kissi, kissimirri, naisen sukupuolielimet, naisen sukuelin, pimppi, tussu, mirri, pillu, vako, vittu, römpsä, viiva.

Rimmaavat sanat

pussy rimmaa näiden kanssa:

vissy, märssy, värssy, muistovärssy, myssy, villamyssy, tykkimyssy, pitsimyssy, pannunmyssy, suihkumyssy...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

pussy (englanti > suomi)

  1. misu, mirri

  2. kisu, kissimirri, mirri

  3. pillu, tussu vulgar, pimppi childish

  4. pörrö

  5. pillu

  6. nynny

  7. märkäinen, märkivä

pussy englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä An affectionate term for a cat. (defdate)

  2. 2007, Liz Jones, "Are cats the new dogs?", The Independent, 17 Nov 07:

  3. And although, as someone recently said to me, they are not "designer" (she had expected my pussies to be expensive, with a pedigree), to me my cats are the most beautiful in the world.
  4. puhekieltä An affectionate term for a woman or girl, seen as having characteristics associated with cats such as sweetness. (defdate)

  5. 2010, Jojo Moyes, "Why love letters are better left unread", The Telegraph, 3 Jun 2010:

  6. If Lloyd George’s endearments to mistress Frances Stevenson – “My darling Pussy. You might phone… on Friday if you can come. Don’t let Hankey see you” – had been made similarly public, would he have maintained his own reputation as a towering statesman?
  7. puhekieltä The female genitalia; the vulva or vagina. (defdate)

  8. You have a lovely pussy!

  9. Anything soft and furry; a bloom form, or catkin, as on the w:Pussy_Willow pussy willow. (defdate)

  10. puhekieltä Sexual intercourse with a woman. (defdate)

  11. I’m gonna get me some pussy tonight.

  12. puhekieltä A coward, a weakling; someone unable to stand up for himself. (defdate)

  13. You are such a pussy!

  14. 2007, Matt Keating, "Do everyone a favour and don't bring your cold to work", The Guardian, 26 Nov 07:

  15. I couldn't carry the burden of shame engendered by the bully-boy advertising of "max-strength" cold and flu remedies, the obvious subtext of which is "Get to work, you pussy."
  16. puhekieltä The game of tipcat.

  17. puhekieltä Containing pus.

  18. puhekieltä (alternative form of)
