

  1. kissa

  2. yhteys|puhekieli|k=en cat, "tyylikissa", tyylikäs henkilö


Well, come on 'cats', wear your collars high. (Cool Cat, Joe Montgomery)

Liittyvät sanat: pussycat



tietokonekerroskuvaus, tietokonetomografia, CT, CAT.

Liittyvät sanat: catering.

Rimmaavat sanat

cat rimmaa näiden kanssa:

valjaat, silavaljaat, turvavaljaat, luokkivaljaat, hevosenvaljaat, hevosvaljaat, tikkaat, konetikkaat, lapetikkaat, laituritikkaat...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

cat englanniksi

  1. An animal of the family Felidae:

  2. (quote-book)

  3. A domesticated subspecies (Felis silvestris catus) of feline animal, commonly kept as a house pet. (defdate)

  4. (RQ:WBsnt IvryGt)

  5. At twilight in the summer there is never anybody to fear—man, woman, or cat—in the chambers and at that hour the mice come out. They do not eat parchment or foolscap or red tape, but they eat the luncheon crumbs.
  6. Any similar animal of the family Felidae, which includes lions, tigers, bobcats, etc.

  7. 1977, Peter Hathaway Capstick, Death in the Long Grass: A Big Game Hunters Adventures in the African Bush, St. Martins Press, 44.

  8. I grabbed it and ran over to the lion from behind, the cat still chewing thoughtfully on Silent's arm.
  9. 1985 January, George Laycock, "Our American Lion", in Boy Scouts of America, Boys Life'', 28.

  10. If you should someday round a corner on the hiking trail and come face to face with a mountain lion, you would probably never forget the mighty cat.
  11. 2014, Dale Mayer, Rare Find. A Psychic Visions Novel, Valley Publishing.

  12. She felt privileged to be here, living the experience inside the majestic cat i.e. a tiger; privileged to be part of their bond, even for only a few hours.
  13. A catfish.

  14. (quote-book)|title=s:O Pioneers!|O Pioneers!|chapter=2|passage=She missed the fish diet of her own country, and twice every summer she sent the boys to the river, twenty miles to the southward, to fish for channel cat.

  15. 1916, M. Shults, "Fishing for Yellow Cat in the Brazos", in Field and Stream, vol. 21, 478.

  16. Fishing for cat is probably, up to a certain stage, the least exciting of all similar sports.
  17. A person.

  18. puhekieltä A spiteful or angry woman. (defdate)

  19. 1835 September, anonymous, "The Pigs", in The New-England Magazine, Vol. 9, 156.

  20. But, ere one rapid moon its tale has told, / He finds his prize — a cat — a slut — a scold.
  21. An enthusiast or player of jazz.

  22. (quote-song)|title=Hold on to Yourself|passage=I turn on the radio / There's some cat on the saxophone / Laying down a litany of excuses

  23. puhekieltä A person (usually male).

  24. 1973 December, "Books Noted", discussing A Dialogue (by James Baldwin and Nikki Giovanni), in Black World, Johnson Publishing Company, 77.

  25. BALDWIN: That's what we were talking about before. And by the way, you did not have to tell me that you think your father is a groovy cat; I knew that.
  26. puhekieltä A prostitute. (defdate)

  27. 1999, Carl P. Eby, Hemingways Fetishism. Psychoanalysis and the Mirror of Manhood'', State University of New York Press, 124.

  28. “Tell me. Willie said there was a cat in love with you. That isn't true, is it?” “Yes. It's true,” Hudson corrects her, letting her think that by “cat” he means prostitute.
  29. puhekieltä A strong tackle used to hoist an anchor to the cathead of a ship.

  30. 2009, Olof A. Eriksen, Constitution - All Sails Up and Flying, Outskirts Press, 134.

  31. Overhaul down & hook the cat, haul taut. Walk away the cat. When up, pass the cat head stopper. Hook the fish in & fish the anchor.
  32. puhekieltä (non-gloss definition) cat-o'-nine-tails.

  33. (quote-book) (Assembly No. 335)|title=Documents of the Assembly of the State of New York|page=44|passage=(..)he whipped a black man for disobedience of his orders fifty lashes; and again whipped him with a cat, which he wound with wire, about the same number of stripes;(..)he used this cat on one other man, and then destroyed the cat wound with wire.

  34. puhekieltä Any of a variety of earth-moving machines. (from their manufacturer (w))

  35. puhekieltä A sturdy merchant sailing vessel (qualifier).

  36. puhekieltä The game of "trap and ball" (also called "cat and dog").

  37. The trap of the game of "trap and ball".

  38. puhekieltä A vagina, a vulva; the female external genitalia.

  39. A double tripod (for holding a plate, etc.) with six feet, of which three rest on the ground, in whatever position it is placed.
