

  1. ulkokäymälä

Liittyvät sanat: latrine



asiantunteva, asioihin perehtynyt, tietoinen, yksityinen, yksityis-, salainen, piilossa oleva, syrjäinen, käymälä, toiletti, pesuhuone, vessa, kylpyhuone, klosetti, kylppäri, käymälä WC, WC, veski.

Rimmaavat sanat

privy rimmaa näiden kanssa:

heavy, levy, CD-levy, CD-ROM-levy, EP-levy, LP-levy, suklaalevy, pohjalevy, pikalevy, akustiikkalevy...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

privy (englanti > suomi)

  1. salainen, yksityinen

  2. tietoinen, perillä

privy englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä private Private, exclusive; not public; one's own.

  2. The king retreated to his privy chamber.

    the privy purse

  3. puhekieltä secret Secret, hidden, concealed.

  4. 1967, William Styron, The Confessions of Nat Turner, Vintage 2004, p. 82:

  5. Nonetheless, in the dark and privy stillness of our minds there are few of us who are not still haunted by worrisome doubts.
  6. With knowledge of; party to; let in on.

  7. He was privy to the discussions.

  8. An outdoor facility for urination and defecation, whether open (latrine) or enclosed (outhouse).

  9. A lavatory: a room with a toilet.

  10. A toilet: a fixture used for urination and defecation.

  11. 1864 January 26, J.G. Lindsay, letter to P.P.L. O'Connel, §8:

  12. Arconum—I found two chairs wanting in the gentlemen's room, and the bathroom bath room attached applied to other purposes... the privy privies and urinary urinaries clean...
  13. puhekieltä A partaker; one having an interest in an action, contract, etc. to which he is not himself a party.
