

  1. mieltymys johonkin

  2. johonkin



alttius, taipumus, preferenssi, suuntautuminen, mieltymys, voimakas mieltymys, opittu mieltymys, heikkous.

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predilection rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

predilection (englanti > suomi)

  1. mieltymys

predilection englanniksi

  1. Condition of favoring or like liking; tendency towards; proclivity; predisposition.

  2. 1987, Edwin M. Yoder Jr., "Lewis Powell a Fine Sense of Balance," Washington Post, 29 Jun.,

  3. But for him the first rule of judging was to set aside personal predilection and vote the law and the facts.
  4. 2000, Terry McCarthy, "Lost Generation," Time Asia, 23 Oct.,

  5. ... youth’s predilection for revolt.
  6. 2001, Marina Cantacuzino, "On deadly ground," The Guardian, 13 Mar.,

  7. Wilson doesn’t see any inconsistency between his socialism and his predilection for the high life.
