

  1. eräiden juhlapukujen, erityisesti saketin, kanssa solmion tai rusetin sijasta vaihtoehtoisesti käytettävä huivimainen asuste

  2. yhteys|urheilu kilparatsastuksessa käytettävä samantapainen asuste

  3. yhteys|urheilu miekkailussa lisäsuojaa pistoilta antava takin alla käytettävä suojavaate



vatsakilpi, rintahaarniska, rintasuojus, rintapanssari, pehmuste, täyte, ulkoranka, ulkoinen tukiranka.

Rimmaavat sanat

plastron rimmaa näiden kanssa:

rhododendron, non-iron, moron...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

plastron englanniksi

  1. The nearly flat part of the shell structure of a tortoise or other animal, similar in composition to the carapace.

  2. puhekieltä A half-jacket worn under the jacket for padding or for safety.

  3. An ornamental front panel on a woman's bodice.

  4. 1942, Rebecca West, Black Lamb and Grey Falcon, Canongate 2006, p. 784,

  5. I bought here a wedding dress perhaps twenty or thirty years old ... a sequin plastron to be worn over the womb as a feminine equivalent to a cod-piece, and a gauze veil embroidered in purple and gold.
  6. A film of air trapped by specialized hairs against the body of an aquatic insect, and which acts as an external gill.

  7. The plastron of a diving beetle is not directly a source of oxygen, but acts as a gill, acquiring oxygen from the surrounding water.

  8. 2013, Jill Lancaster, Barbara J. Downes, Aquatic Entomology, page 45,

  9. Total independence of atmospheric air is possible only if insects have a permanent gas store or incompressible gas gill, called a plastron. Unlike compressible gas stores, the volume of a plastron remains constant and it is incompressible.
  10. 2013, Jon F. Harrison, Lutz T. Wasserthal (revisions & updates), 17: Gaseous Exchange, R. F. Chapman, Stephen J. Simpson (editor), Angela E. Douglas (editor), The Insects: Structure and Function, 5th Edition, page 535,

  11. The plastrons of other insects are generally less efficient than that of Aphelocheirus as they have a less dense hair pile from which the air is more readily displaced.
  12. (eo-form of)

  13. breastplate (gloss)

  14. puhekieltä plastronEnglish plastron

  15. chest pad; chest protection; chestguard

  16. puhekieltä plastronEnglish plastron (gloss)

  17. shirt front; the front of a shirt

  18. plastronEnglish plastron (gloss)

  19. puhekieltä breast (gloss)
