


joutilaisuus, toimettomuus, velttous, raukeus, horros, uneliaisuus, hitaus, verkkaisuus, mielentyyneys, laimeus, latteus, lima, limaneritys, räkä, yskös, apatia, tunnottomuus, piittaamattomuus, välinpitämättömyys, ilmeettömyys.

Englannin sanakirja

phlegm (englanti > suomi)

  1. lima

  2. tyyneys, flegma

phlegm englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä One of the four humors making up the body in ancient and mediaeval medicine; said to be cold and moist, and often identified with mucus. (defdate)

  2. 1993, William Dalrymple, City of Djinns, HarperCollins 1993:

  3. Each person's unique mixture of these substances determines his temperament: a predominance of blood gives a sanguine temperament; a predominance of phlegm makes one phlegmatic; yellow bile, bilious (or choleric); and black bile, melancholic.
  4. viscid Viscid mucus produced by the body, later especially mucus expelled from the bronchial passages by coughing. (defdate)

  5. 2005, "Endangered Species?" Hannah Beech, Time, 14 Nov 2005:

  6. "Even some members of the new bourgeoisie indulge in conspicuously boorish behavior, like hawking phlegm onto the pavement or picking their noses at business meetings."
  7. puhekieltä A watery distillation, especially one obtained from plant matter; an aqueous solution. (defdate)

  8. calmness Calmness of temperament, composure; also seen negatively, sluggishness, indifference. (defdate)

  9. 1942, "Warning to Sweden", Time, 5 Oct 1942:

  10. But Swedish Nazis also talked of the necessity of saving Sweden from Bolshevism, and with the menacing Berlin radio gnawing in their ears many Swedes lost their Scandinavian phlegm.
