

  1. kala (vedessä ja eläinlajina)

Liittyvät sanat: pescado




Englannin sanakirja

pez englanniksi

  1. sheep

  2. (jbo-rafsi of)

  3. pitch, tar

  4. c. 1250: w:Alfonso X|Alfonso X, Lapidario, 53r.

  5. Et a tal uertud que ſi la poné ſobre mill peſos de pez faz los feruir por ſu ṕṕdat bié como si estudieſſen a fuego.
    : And its virtue it such that if it is put over a thousand weights of pitch it lights them due to its property, as if they were on fire.
  6. fish

  7. c. 1250: w:Alfonso X|Alfonso X, Lapidario, 56v.

  8. ca alli a una laguna q́ ſe tiene có la. en q́ a unos peces tamannos como un palmo. ¬ no an eſcama níguna.
    : for in that place there is a pool in which there are large fish, the size of a handspan, and they have no scales whatsoever.
  9. Idem, f.92r.

  10. Et la eſtrella meridional de las dos que ſon en el uientre del pez poſtrimero en la figura de piſces a poder en eſta piedra
    : And the northern start of the two that are on the belly of the last fish in the figure of Pisces has power over this stone
  11. (l) (gloss)

  12. fish (gloss)

  13. puhekieltä idiot, dimwit
