


vaikutus, rutto, syöpä, epidemia, kulkutauti, paiserutto, pestis bubonica, keuhkorutto.

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pestilence rimmaa näiden kanssa:

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

pestilence (englanti > suomi)

  1. rutto, kulkutauti

pestilence englanniksi

  1. Any epidemic disease that is highly contagious, infectious, virulent and devastating.

  2. 1949 - Bruce Kiskaddon, George R. Stewart, w:Earth_Abides Earth Abides

  3. The snowshoe-rabbits build up through the years until they reach a climax when they seem to be everywhere; then with dramatic suddenness their pestilence falls upon them.
  4. 1826, Mary Shelley, w The Last Man, part 2, chapter 2

  5. "Take it, Christian dogsǃ take the palaces, the gardens, the mosques, the abode of our fathers - take plague with them; pestilence is the enemy we fly; if she be your friend, hug her to your bosoms. The curse of Allah is on Stamboul, share ye her fateǃ"
  6. (l) (epidemic disease)
