

  1. pohjoinen, pohjois-



pohjoinen, paikka, Unioni, Pohjoisvaltiot.


  1. Nortti: North State -savuke : Siin on meil taas oikee tosi noske.


Englannin sanakirja

north (englanti > suomi)

  1. pohjoinen

  2. pohjoisnapa

  3. pohjoinen, pohjois-

  4. pohjoinen|alt=pohjoiseen

  5. pohjoinen, pohjois-, pohja|alt=pohja-

north englanniksi

  1. One of the four major compass points, specifically 0°, directed toward the North Pole, and conventionally upwards on a map, abbreviated as N.

  2. Minnesota is in the north of the USA.

  3. The up or positive direction.

  4. Stock prices are heading north.

  5. Above or higher

  6. The price youre offering had better be north of the highest price this company has ever traded for. - Tom Aldredge in the movie w:Barbarians at the Gate (film)|Barbarians at the Gate''

  7. puhekieltä The positive or north pole of a magnet, which seeks the magnetic pole near Earth's geographic North Pole (which, for its magnetic properties, is a south pole).

  8. Of or pertaining to the north; northern.

  9. He lived in north Germany.

    She entered through the north gate.

  10. Toward the north; northward.

  11. 1987, Ana María Brull Vázquez, Rosa E. Casas, Cuba, page 23:

  12. The most dangerous ones are those that develop during October and November and that follow a north path affecting the western part of the island.
  13. puhekieltä Of wind, from the north.

  14. The north wind was cold.

  15. Pertaining to the part of a corridor used by northbound traffic.

  16. north highway 1

  17. 2001, Joseph R Miller, Pipe Tobacco and Wool:

  18. Traffic was doing the speed limit on North I-45 one minute and had come to a stand-still the next.
  19. puhekieltä More or greater than.

  20. The wedding ended up costing north of $50,000.

    Switzerland is north of Italy.

    We headed north.

  21. puhekieltä To turn or move toward the north.

  22. 1769, Henry Wilson, William Hume, Surveying improved (page 239)

  23. When at B you had northed 3.71(..)
